Taking out the time to learn from another great master. Tonight we’re listening to an 1.5hr interview with Tim Ferriss and Chase Jarvis from CreativeLive. Some people prefer multi-tasking like doing chores while listening to podcast or audio books the method, while they may be good.. I’m seeking true knowledge, and in doing so I believe this requires total focus by taking the time to type notes summarizing what is being said. This synopsis serves as notes for myself and hopefully some valuable gold nuggets for you. By doing this anyone reading this (including myself) can draw more value rather than trying to listen at double speed to save time while doing other things. I’m interested in quality. If you’re going to learn, take the time to learn. Like DJ Khaled says, “Don’t ever play yourself”


Tim talks about making things easy so that you can sustain the efforts. Rather than focusing on perfection, just focus on doing the thing. By doing so you can delete and blockages and therefore sustain your efforts over a longer period of time. As you begin to have successes you’ll refine and do more. He talks about the struggle with the voice inside and how he overcomes it as well as ways to stimulate creativity.


Here is the original video that I watched. Watch it yourself, definitely worth it.


Long form next to no editing.

Small but decisions made.

what would it look like if it were easy.

It is was perfect, it would take some time to do and you might give up after a few tries.

Next to no post production.

When you remove all the things that are blocking productivity its easier to do things – Chase Jarvis

There is a place for hard work if there is appropiate place to put it. But if you focus on the things you’re best at it shouldn’t feel really hard.

For Tim, the podcast is what makes it less hard. To make it sustainable and allow him to keep it quality.

Just because something has been repeated often doesn’t mean its true.

Audio quality is important for 99% of things. Because people are usually doing other things.

What would this look like if it were easy? – Tim Ferriss

Am I making this harder than it needs to be? – Tim Ferriss

The blank page is very intimidating.

IBM sales team used to smash sales quotas. Because they set the quotas very low. Then people would exceed it.

Set the quota for 2 crappy pages per day. But by doing this you can continually succeed and build confidence and momentum. This applies to writing, pod-casting, etc.

How to set the goal lower so that I can feel like i’m winning. Feeling like you’re winning is a precursor to winning. Building momentum.  – Tim

You cannot underestimate the power of momentum. Law of accelerating returns. – Chase Jarvis.

Rigging it in such a way so that you don’t put it off. If you’re feeling great than great keep going, but you’ve already won.

Celebrating the small wins. Tim says he’s been bad at this lately.

The “Jar of Awesome”. Write it down on piece of paper. how small it may be fold it up and put it in the jar. When you’re not feeling good go in and read some of these. Like writing your own fortune cookie.

Vietnamese Buddhist monk, story about Thinking about the peach. This is your reward for hard days work. Instead of being present of washing dishes and thinking of peach. When you’re eating the peach you won’t enjoy it because you’ll be thinking of something else. Celebrate small wins and being mindful.

Is it because we’re hardcore type-A people. or was it. The mentality is that what holds you back? or.. ?

In the very worst case scenario, meditate: meh, meh, meh, meh then PHASE SHIFT. During meditation.

Listens to Seneca repeatly – Tim.

50% less manifestation. Stress is type A language for fear – Tony Robbins.

80% what he gets done.

Meditating allows Tim to be more effective as well as efficient. W/o meditation he can do things and get shit done. 50 more emails, maybe they were important but maybe it wasn’t important to begin with.

Meditation allows you to become the general and look at the battle field. To get an overall perspective. Objective wise we need to focus on this, this and this.

Tim says he could have benefited from meditation previously.

When meditating, Tim says he doesn’t need stimulants as much. To be able to pick the shots. and have very surgical strikes than being just a foot soldier.

The more you spend the more you have – Maya Angelou

Things compound. 1,1,1,2,3,3,3,3,3, 4,4,5,6,67,8 example

See life in slow motion and slow things down

Creativity grows as you spend it.

Tim seeks out and creating the absurd.

As adults people become so serious and “mature”. It kills creativity or greatly decreases it.

If you don’t know what creativity is, try to go for absurd.

Doing things just for the hell of it and doing things as absurd as possible. Creating unexpected results from it.

The mask people wear often tells people who they are than the truth.

To discover truth from what people consider non-truth.

One hand creators and one hand destroyers. There is a lot of truth that exist in mythology.

Make or Play? One habit. Either you’re making something or playing.

Play and making are interchangeable. Finding some relief in your day to do something that stimulate creativity.

Make sure you drink 64 oz of water per day.

8 hours in bed, not necessarily 8 hours of sleep.

Rigging the game so you can win. Lay down and just relax you’ll get 80% of the benefits of sleep.  – Tim

Eating clean  – Chase Jarvis

Meditation AM and meditation PM.

Tim is binary. He’s not good at moderation. Either on or off.

Gratitude immediately follows meditation. What are some things I want to manifest. Having in the process of happening. Taking picture of talking and laughing. What are some things you want to want happen. Then some things that you’re grateful for.

Tim Ferriss morning routine. Suppliments on empty stomach than not.

Meditate for 20 mins. usually 21 minutes. 3 minute decompress focusing on sounds. Make tea oolong, Ginger, honey, coconut oil 2 tspoons.  5 minute journal or morning pages. gratitude, picking one that is a very small things.

Getting thoughts on paper so monkey mind is not rattling all day. Getting body moving for joints, rotational stuff.

If you can’t do everything, wake up earlier.

Make the time, you will not find the time. You make the time. – Tim Ferriss

A series of steps that produces a predictable result. Routines will save you. The more insane you are the more a routine will save you. – Tim

Make bed in morning. Sets the day on the right foot.

DOHM. White noise machine. Sound machine. Its a small device that creates a consistent noise for sleeping.

Ear buds to block out sound. Very effective

Hot bath with epson salt. Listen podcast of audiobook during this time.

Content of audio book or Tv show, or book. For Tim

Voices in my head. Tim says he struggles a lot. The dark voices, or the annoying roommate that tells you to think bigger and do better. etc etc.

We are constantly comparing and contrasting. We live life positionally.

One thing that Tim says to himself, “the observer, me and the obnoxious roommate”

Tim can be very impatient. The train must be on time. When something doesn’t meet his expectations. He can add 20% of unnecessary stuff in email. and then get pissed. When you notice you’re retreating to an old record. “Tim’s pessimism on replay”. Stop and time out.  Realize you’re playing “pissed off” and pause.

People behave you the way you train them to. Ask yourself what can you do to train yourself to get better. Not necessarily eliminate those voices, but to retrain yourself and in the right direction. It is very helpful.

Perfectionist. No one else is going to notice but you notice. Example. If there is a term in an agreement that bugs you, change it. If you loose people, oh well. He who cares the least wins. – Tim

You have to be different and you have to be better.

Make it fun for yourself and make it fun for your audience and people will follow you – Tim Ferriss.

Develop frameworks that work really well, but act as crutches. But they can get stale.

The podcast is a different element. You can do and try different things. You can experiment and “play”. You can have a lot more fun.

If you can get on a billboard. What would you put on it?

What advice would you give your 20,30, 40 yr old self?

When you think of the word success, who is the person who comes to mind?

When you ask someone what their favorite book, they usually people pick something recent.  If you ask them what they have gifted then they have to think..

Publishing is still labor intensive. If you’re planning to make hundreds of edits. Make hundreds of hand edits. Send it back. Incorporate in end design doc. They print and it would go back to you again.

Make your own rules. Do whatever you want. Blog you can have complete freedom. Podcast is like an art project where you can do whatever you want. I’m not going to censor myself to suit your needs. It is a creative outlet.

The ability to play in any way that I want I enjoy. Having certain constraints however is how to achieve the highest potential.  Constraints may be a form of training and habits.

Having notes can throw off dynamics. If you use a new approach. You may or may not want to follow a certain approach. Test and try new ones.

It has to be valuable. How do I navigate the conversation. Writing, the form factor itself. But some mediums you use illustrations. In writing people can use such language that an illustration can take away from the imagination. Through writing. .Positive constraints. That can help. When you have to remove certain constraints, self imposed it can help you help develop a new style. A constraint can add fuel. Like tango example. Podcast example.

You use a constraint to do more with less, only when you can do more with more.
waste of energy. be really good at taking your shot in maximum effect with your talent.

Letters from a Stoic

Tim’s billboard : “You are the average of the 5 people you hang around most.” located on footpaths of some large university

Thing you didn’t know:  Tim likes Japanese wooden saddles for archery.

“If you really want to dig deep, podcast, super fun.” – Tim Ferriss