Inventor Life

By Andy Tran, "The Modern Inventor"

About me


Andy Tran andytranfl profile

Andy T. Tran

Where I come from:

Born and raised in Fort Smith Arkansas with a curiosity for making things. My family moved to Florida right before I turned 15 and I started learning about personal development and business in my early 20s. My college career started in mechanical engineering but after speaking with engineers my major changed to business. In 2010 I graduated from UCF College of Business with a B.S. In Marketing.

How did I get here today:

Lots of lessons have been learned in my development process. In my attempt to learn the business and create an ideal life I have been involved with many different business ventures from real estate to network marketing, healthcare, Automotive accessories, and 3D printing.

What is my motivation

I am seeking to master my life and create a system that others can follow. I want to make myself and my family proud and give an increase of life to everyone I associate with. I want to become a positive influence on society and build a legacy.

My philosophy in life

I believe life can be simple. We live in such a time where technology is growing near exponential rate and digital distraction is part of life. I’m seeking a lifestyle that incorporates technology but minimizes the noise. I am seeking truth and development in all areas; health, wealth, love and happiness.

What I offer my audience

I offer innovative ideas and projects that I believe will make a huge positive difference in society in the future. Follow me for updates on the development

Where I’m going

Life is finite so I will be using all the energy and knowledge I’ve learned to create positive sustainable business and relationships. Creating a legacy that will be around long when I’m gone.

Check me out on LinkedIn. 

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See my companies

My business core values

I believe in simple innovative companies that provide a scalable design philosophy. Companies with a simple focus mission that encompasses an entire idea. The idea of simple. The flow and natural evolution time and technology. My passion for design and technology. Forward-thinking companies. We are going to need manufacturing and we are going to need healthcare. And we are going to need tools that hold our gadgets and enhancement for our vehicles.



We are working to create the most sustainable 3D manufacturing system in the solar system. Allowing people to make products and produce goods that in a patent pending “mobile 3D production system” developed around the shipping container platform. The “Mille” combines additive and subtractive manufacturing in a self-contained system. It’s a sustainable solution for manufacturing for decades to come.



My passion is designing and creating products caused the need for me to develop all the necessary the skills to offer product design as a consultant. In this time I worked on some very interesting products that range from automotive parts to showers systems. The brand has evolved to now offer digital products to teach others how to do the same from home: